Respondent FAQs - Title IX

Title IX

Respondent FAQ

FAQ for Respondents on the Title IX Resolution Process

A Respondent 一个人是否被报告为可能构成性行为的犯罪者 harassment.

A Complaint 一个人声称他/她/他们是可能构成侵权行为的受害者吗 sexual harassment.

Frequently Asked Questions

收到正式投诉后,第九条协调员将提供以下内容 notice in
writing, to the Parties:

• Notice of the District’s Title IX grievance process;
•关于性骚扰指控的通知,并提供足够的细节 在初次面试前,有足够的时间准备答复;
•被告被推定对所指控的行为不负责任的声明 关于责任的决定是在结束时做出的 grievance process;
•请注意,双方可以选择顾问,顾问可能是顾问,但不是顾问 required to be, an attorney;
•请注意,双方可检查和审查作为…的一部分获得的任何证据 此次调查即是与正式提出的指控直接相关 申诉,包括本地区不打算依赖的证据 在作出关于责任的决定时,是有罪的还是无罪的 evidence whether obtained from a Party or other source; and
•通知双方地区行为准则中禁止的任何条款 故意作虚假陈述或故意提交虚假资料 the
grievance process.


Yes. 双方均有权在每次相关会议上安排顾问出席 to the case.
顾问的作用是提供支持和帮助,以理解和 navigating the investigation process. The Advisor may not testify in or obstruct an interview or disrupt the process. The Title IX Coordinator has the right to determine 什么构成顾问的适当行为,并采取合理措施确保 compliance with this procedure. A Party does not have a right to self-representation at the hearing; an Advisor must conduct any cross-examination. The District must provide 其选择的顾问,免费提供给没有顾问的任何一方 to conduct cross-examination. If an Advisor fails to appear at the hearing, the District 将提供一名顾问代表未出席的顾问出席会议. To limit 每一方拥有有关该问题的机密信息的个人人数 may identify one Advisor.
正式投诉的调查结果将以书面形式公布 至少包括以下所有信息的报告:

•对调查期间采取的程序性步骤的说明,包括 all individuals contacted and interviewed;
•对调查期间收集的相关证据进行分析,包括 list of relevant documents;
•关于这些指控是否利用优势发生的具体调查结果 of the evidence standard;
• A table of contents if the report exceeds ten pages; and
• Any other information deemed appropriate by the District.

研究者不会就责任做出决定. The Investigator 可以编辑与指控或特权信息没有直接关系的信息吗. 但是,调查员将保留他/她/他们不提供的信息的日志 to the Parties. 调查员将只向第九条协调员提供此日志. 第九条协调员将不会向双方披露日志,但将维护 the log in the
Title IX Coordinator’s file, in the event it later becomes relevant.
至少在听证会或其他有关责任的确定时间之前10天, 特区将向各方及其顾问发送调查报告, 如有,以电子或硬拷贝形式提供调查报告,以供查阅 and written response. The Parties will have at least ten days to submit a written response.

一些受访者要求采取临时学术措施,如延长作业期限 and rescheduled exams. As such, The Title IX Coordinator may need to provide limited details to accommodate such a request.

是的,在完成调查之后,在完成有关的决定之前 责任,地区将举行现场听证会,以提供投诉人和 被告有机会对在决策者面前收集的证据作出回应. 任何一方均不得选择放弃现场听证的权利,但双方可以选择放弃 选择是否参加听证会或回答部分或全部质证 questions
The short answer is yes. 

The following language regarding appeals under Title IX comes from AP 3434:


投诉人或被投诉人可对地区法院关于责任的裁决提出上诉 or the dismissal of a formal complaint or any allegations. A Complainant or Respondent must
在裁定通知发出之日起5个工作日内提交书面上诉 有关责任或从地区解雇通知之日起 a formal complaint or any allegations.

Grounds for Appeal

第九条协调员将任命某人担任上诉决策者. 在对学区关于责任的决定提出上诉时 区对正式申诉不予受理的,当事人必须说明上诉理由 and a statement of facts supporting those grounds. The grounds for appeal are as follows:

• A procedural irregularity affected the outcome;

•在地区作出决定时没有合理的新证据 关于责任或解雇的问题,这个新的证据可能会影响 the outcome; or

•地区第九章协调员、调查员或决策者有冲突 对投诉人或答辩人整体或个人的利益或偏见
Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome.


Contact Us

Curtis Pahlka

Title IX Coordinator


Content Editor:
Curtis Pahlka